What is a Sabbatical?

Sabbatical is a time when typical work activity is suspended for the purpose of attending to one’s soul. Sabbatical was honored by our Lord when he “went apart” from the crowds and His ministry to them. He understood the time alone facilitated a work of the Spirit that can only be done in solitude.

Unfortunately, sabbaticals are often misunderstood. For those in ministry, the time is often filled with mission trips, study leaves, extended ministry preparation for preaching, teaching, or program development. For those in business, academia or other occupations, the time is often utilized to write books, develop new ideas or explore some new avenue related to their work. These are not the ingredients of the kind of sabbatical we are proposing, even if one is “away” from one’s primary work or ministry. If one spends “sabbatical” time doing ministry or business related activities the sabbatical will not yield its needed blessing. This is the reason most people entering a sabbatical must have a sabbatical “guide” who holds them accountable for how their sabbatical is structured. CrossPoint structures sabbaticals around REST, RECALIBRATION and RE-ENTRY. Read our extended description of the journey through sabbatical: Sabbatical Description


Steps to prepare for a Sabbatical?

1. Schedule a planning meeting (initial conversation) with Brett

2. Discuss the parameters of sabbatical with work or ministry (may include significant boundaries around technology and communication as well as needed delegation to secure the space)

3. Discuss your expectations for sabbatical with significant others (spouse, children, etc... )

4. Schedule an Enneagram consultation (six-hour with both client and spouse / 3-hour consult with single or without spouse)

5. Schedule the approximately nine coaching sessions during the sabbatical

What is the cost of Sabbatical Coaching?

The standard fee for sabbatical coaching with Brett is $1,750 ($50 additional fee when paying with a credit card). This includes a preparatory meeting, six-hour Enneagram Consultation and at least nine sessions (up to weekly).

(NOTE: All sabbatical fees and calculations are based on a standard 3-month sabbatical. All sabbaticals can be individually tailored, including negotiating fees accordingly.)