What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is tool which gives insight into personality (i.e. the way we perceive, process, and present ourselves in life). Identifies nine personality styles and it indicates our preferred personality style. The Enneagram reveals both the strengths (i.e. resourceful aspects) and challenges (i.e. less-resourceful aspects) of the nine styles.

Individual Enneagram Consultation

We provide a 3 1/2- hour individual Enneagram consultation which includes walking you through the highlights of your life-story, orienting you to the construction of the Enneagram and then guiding you in the interpretation of your specific WEPSS (Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales) results.

Marriage Enneagram Consultation

We provide an all-day (7-hour) marriage Enneagram consultation with one of our coaches. The consultation includes walking you through the highlights of your life stories, orienting both spouses to the construction of the Enneagram, and guiding both in interpreting the specific WEPSS (Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales) results. This would also include an initial analysis of how your individual Enneagram results may indicate specific marriage relational dynamics.


Our standard rate is $400.00 for a 3-1/2-hour individual consult, which includes the fee for the WEPSS profile.

Our standard rate is $800.00 for a 7-hour marriage consult; the fee for the WEPSS profile is included. A follow-up 2-hour consult is recommended to explore how the insights from the consult can provide new relational tools and communication patterns for your marriage.

Are you interested in developing deeper insight into your specific spiritual growth opportunities? Reach out today!